HomeProgram operations during COVID-19

How programs are responding to school and business closures


Carolyn  Penn
Carolyn Penn
Posts: 10

Carolyn  Penn
Carolyn Penn
Posts: 10
Is any other high school PS program (especially in NC) interested in creating a PLT during this time of distance learning? I am supposed to be part of one yet there is no other program in WCPSS like this to partner with. Anyone interested?
edited by cpenn@wcpss.net on 4/13/2020
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Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53

Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53
PLT meaning?
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Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53

Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53
I got a great list with the free dictionary but more than one related to education...
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Carolyn  Penn
Carolyn Penn
Posts: 10

Carolyn  Penn
Carolyn Penn
Posts: 10
Professional Learning Team: a group of educators that meet to collaborate and share ideas and support.
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Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53

Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53
This is a great idea! I have two daughters that are teachers. One here in Georgia and one in Kentucky. The daughter in Georgia does group planning and currently they meet weekly virtually to accomplish this. We are out of school for the remainder of the year. I'll share your email with some of our Project SEARCH instructors (if that's ok) and possibly you all could do virtual sharing too.
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Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53

Bonnie  Seery
Bonnie Seery
Posts: 53
Did you see the below comment in a different section? Maybe you could collaborate with them too. Let me know if you are ok with me sharing your email, please. I am bonnieseery@gmail.com

"I am looking forward to having a video call with some other PS instructors in CA and HI This afternoon. If anyone else would like to jump on the call it will be today 4/15/20 at 2:30 Pacific Time. Here is the link. https://meet.google.com/ohn-usmn-irj

Stay healthy and stay connected!

Theresa Moran
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