Soft skills, attendance, host business policies, conduct, relationships, and sexuality
Interns and Masks
Tim Blekicki Posts: 2
I am wondering if anyone has come across ideas on how to handle sensory issues with interns and masks? As we talk to our host business, there will be an understandable zero tolerance issue and before boot camp, I want to try to come up with a comprehensive plan. Thanks!
Kanesha Bates Posts: 4
I have come across multiple websites and videos that have given advice as to slowly introduce the concept of wearing masks to the interns. Definitely stressing the importance of wearing a mask, just as an intern would wear gloves if working in a cafeteria setting. The mask will be a new item added to their Project SEARCH uniform. There are sites selling masks with a clear area around the mouth and face shields which are also great options. However the key concept across all platforms is the discussion of what makes the mask uncomfortable and addressing that issue. Hope this helps!!
Tim Blekicki wrote:
I am wondering if anyone has come across ideas on how to handle sensory issues with interns and masks? As we talk to our host business, there will be an understandable zero tolerance issue and before boot camp, I want to try to come up with a comprehensive plan. Thanks!
Bonnie Seery Posts: 53
Tim, there are also a variety of materials used. Possibly the softest material and the type that's more like a neck scarf or neck gaiter may help.
Bonnie Seery Posts: 53
| check this link too Tim. Let me know please if it doesn't work for you.
Heather Morath Posts: 40
Late to the conversation but wanted to share a few tips for interns that may struggle wearing a mask:
- Ask the business for a list of approved masks types. In some settings, though one type may be primarily used, there may be others that are "approved" that can be ordered for an individual that can't tolerate the typical mask for some reason. If there are multiple options, perhaps you can obtain one of each type to have the intern try out to see if there is one type that is more tolerable.
- Use social stories. There are many available online for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (see pediatric hospital websites, UCEED sites, Autism Society, etc.).
- Have the family work on building up tolerance at home, using a visual timer and praise and reinforcement. Help the family set up a visual schedule to use at home to expose the intern to the mask and increase the amount of time worn gradually, day by day. There are some good apps for digital visual timers that can be downloaded to a phone or ipad (Visual Timer, and Visual Countdown Timer). If a physical visual timer is needed, various options are for sale on Give specific praise consistently and use reinforcement as needed and appropriate for the individual. As the skill is learned, remember to fade praise and reinforcement as the goal is independence!
Theresa Brugger Posts: 1
This information is greatly appreciated. Our interns have been adapting well to the masks as our site as a zero tolerance and masks must be worn at all times. We have a few interns with hearing impairments and have found a few masks that have the see through option. Our Skills Trainers are testing those out this week to see how they work and if those who have hearing impairments are able to understand us better with being able to see our lips. Do anyone else have any other suggestions for different masks for our Skills trainers who work with hearing impaired?? any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.