Identifying tasks and skills, using VocFit, working with managers and mentors, systematic instruction
Brainstorming for Intern with Low Vision
Hi, We have an intern who has very low vision. His first rotation is in the patient registration area where he is greeting patients, helping with their check-in, etc at our hospital site. He has quickly mastered the tasks we have given him so far and is loving the work. We are hoping to get creative in ways through this rotation to continue to challenge him (thinking assistive tech wise as he isn't really able to see a screen). He has great memory recall skills and exceptional social skills! Has anyone else had a similar barrier they have worked through? We are early in the rotation but want to make the most out of his time there. I'm looking for ideas within this department or type of work. We have ideas for other departments/rotations. Thank You
Pattie Weaver Posts: 3
I am also looking for ideas for an intern that is considered legally blind, can see outlying shadows and needs very Large print. He does not use a magnifier at this time, we are hoping to get one in place. He is in his first rotation in the café sanitizing tables, sweeping under booths and restocking items where braille has been added. He wants to try everything, but safety becomes a concern in areas such as the dish room. We hope to make accommodation's for the mail route to be a possibility next rotation or perhaps linen services.
I would appreciate an ideas for rotations within a small hospital for an individual with very limited vison, and even slight hearing loss. Thank you in advance for any direction.
Holly Opatick Posts: 100
Hello Wondering if either of you have reached out to your states Blind and Vision VR Services, they may have some ideas. Also, Project SEARCH is working with the Kanas State School for the Blind. Tim Scheirbeck is the instructor for the new site. He may have some good insight. Kansas State School for the Blind Office Phone: 913-305-3066 Email: Role: Instructor