How programs are responding to school and business closures
Project SEARCH Remote Instruction
Kenneth Fetke Posts: 6
Hello Friends I was wondering if any programs are virtual or going to be virtual shortly? Our program is located in Michigan and we currently are not virtual but I can foresee our school district returning to virtual learning before long. Covid 19 cases are rising in the state at an alarming rate. We currently are in the classroom 1.5 hours a day. If we go to virtual I will have to fill-up around 6 hours a day. I will use Google Classroom for instruction and can teach the same curriculum and lessons in the virtual classroom as I would the regular classroom. I will struggle filling up 6 hours a day with instruction especially since we do not focus on academics. Just wondering what other programs are teaching in the classroom? Thanks: Ken
Erin Fogarty Posts: 18
Hi Ken,
I am in a program in Michigan which has been totally remote since the start of the year. We had only two weeks where we were able to hold in person labs where the students could come to the host business for 2 2 hour and 45 minute sessions each. We are probably going to be staying completely virtual through January if not longer depending on the cases. It has been very tough to teach this program virtually due to it being internship based and not heavy on academics like a high school class would be. I have found with my students, it is very challenging to keep them engaged when we are not on a face to face zoom session. One thing that has helped is splitting interns into small groups and scheduling small group sessions throughout the week along with individual meetings to address intern needs. It helps me with planning and it is good practice for the interns to have to keep track of when small group meetings are, we are looking into changing up the small group meeting times every couple of weeks to simulate schedule changes that would happen on a job. Our plan for our site as well is to just power through our class room time activities for the year during virtual time, so that as soon as we get the green light to be back at the host site they can spend almost all of their time on the internship site to make up for lost time.
Erin Fogarty - Beaumont Dearborn
Hello, I am in Greensboro, NC. We have been totally remote since the start of the school year. I post all my assignments/activities/resources through google classroom. The interns are expected to complete a google doc daily (almost like a checklist) for hygiene, exercise, chores (work), breakfast, emails, etc. We meet daily as a group and we also meet in small groups. During our group sessions we have completed all the curriculum of PS in the last 13 weeks of remote learning. We have also had virtual tours of Chick-fil-A and all the departments at the hospital. We have incorporated guess speaks from the community to discuss banking, Corona, job market, and other topics too.
We were just told we can not go back until January 5th so now I am scheduling service opportunities in the community. Interns can pick 2-3 days a week to serve with myself and job coaches. I am hoping this helps with getting to know them and evaluating their work skills.
Kenneth Fetke Posts: 6
Thanks for everyone's input. We will be going virtual in a few days. We are going to continue to use Google Classroom and try to fill up the day with activities and keep the interns engage. I plan on starting the day with CNN10 and talk about today’s news and what is going on with each intern’s life. Then we will complete a lesson from Step4Success Program (MSU EPASS/ASSET) in the morning and complete all the activities with each lesson. We will then break for lunch and then in the after lunch we are going to complete a lesson in Health Matters Curriculum, Life Centered Education, and maybe some work-related videos. Hopefully we will be able to keep the interns engaged. We are going to be shut down till the first week of December for sure, but I would not be surprised to be shut down until after the first of the year. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday! Thanks: Ken