Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal
Summer Programming
Lori Eshenroder Posts: 1
At one of our state meetings (in Michigan) I believe it was a Center for Independent Living, that shared a summer program they implemented which involved several weeks and included home visits. This was to prepare Interns for the upcoming Project SEARCH year. Attendance was mandatory. Does anyone do anything like this, they would not mind sharing? If so, what is the outline/curriculum of the sessions?
Mindy Ritchie Posts: 8
So, I am a job coach for a program called Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL). The program is a 12-week work-based learning program. The clients range from ages 16-18. A majority of our interns are encouraged to participate in this program. It gives me an insight to how they handle everyday issues, how they work with a team, redirection etc. It also gives me and the interns a chance to develop a relationship, so they feel more comfortable when entering PS.
We have a one week summer session where we prepare the interns for the program to start in august. We go over expectations for the program, department and the site. We also give the interns an opportunity to bond with each other and staff.
Christine Gustke Posts: 4
At Project SEARCH Syracuse, NY we spend the summer working individually and in small groups with students on meeting health clearances, some introduction to the workplace environment and in utilizing public transportation so interns are able to successfully navigate home to internship at the start of the school year.