Identifying tasks and skills, using VocFit, working with managers and mentors, systematic instruction
Push back from host site
Victoria Novorolsky Posts: 2
We are going into our third year of Project SEARCH and have gotten some push back from our host site when it comes to developing more internships. We take in 12 interns and we only have 11 internships. Our host business said that the internships we have are good enough and doesn't believe we can build any more internships. Has any other Project SEARCH site experience the same? Any thoughts on how us, the onsite team, can build more internships without the help from the host business?
JIllian Dillon Posts: 2
Due to COVID, we have had quite a few internship sites become unavailable. I reached out to the manager of one of our sites and asked if they would take a second intern in a different area of that department. They said yes let's give it a try. I figured I did not need to check with our liaison because we already had someone working in that area. I hope this helps!
Pattie Weaver Posts: 3
We have done the same as Jillian. I have expanded in our Nutrition Services Department from the dish room into the prepackaged food prep area and now the café to restock, clean tables and assist over the busy times. I do a lot of networking throughout the summer and my daily travels checking on our interns. I am always speaking of our interns and what they can offer a department, especially now that many places are short staffed. Interns can do the smaller time consuming tasks so the more trained staff can attend to their positions. Keep networking. We expanded into a mail delivery route and restocking of linens and supplies on patient wings this year just to fill a need due to fewer staff. Good luck!