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Disability Employment Month Activities 

Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22

Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22
Hey !!
Can you share some ideas for Disability Employment Month.
edited by molly.michels@cchmc.org on 9/27/2019
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Erin Riehle
Erin Riehle
Posts: 34

Erin Riehle
Erin Riehle
Posts: 34
erin.riehle@cchmc.org wrote:
Hi everyone. APSE just released some great ideas for Disability Employment Month. I'm attaching their document. BTW, if you don't already belong to APSE we believe it's well worth it. They work tirelessly for competitive, integrated employment and provide current important information.

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Molly Michels
Molly Michels
Posts: 25

Molly Michels
Molly Michels
Posts: 25
Thank you, Erin!
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Dale DeLaughter
Dale DeLaughter
Posts: 1

Dale DeLaughter
Dale DeLaughter
Posts: 1
We talk about famous people with disabilities. To do this I put together a matching worksheet where interns match the famous person with the disability to a description of the famous person. Then we review this sheet by going through a google slide show titled that includes the same famous people and how they became successful, struggles that they have had with their disability, etc. I also throw in a couple slides with some interns from past years and their successes.

We also talk about NDEMA and go through the 411 on Disability Disclosure info from ODEP. I pick and choose from 411 as it is lengthy, but the info is really good and relevant.
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Linda White
Linda White
Posts: 2

Linda White
Linda White
Posts: 2
I joined the local NDEAM committee a few years ago to help plan activities for our community. Students attend the event and assist any way they can such as setup, welcoming, helping with registration, etc.
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