HomeImplementing Project SEARCH

Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal


Mindy Ritchie
Mindy Ritchie
Posts: 8

Mindy Ritchie
Mindy Ritchie
Posts: 8
Does anyone else participate in externships? If so, do you use a worksite agreement of any kind?
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Ruth Poirier
Ruth Poirier
Posts: 13

Ruth Poirier
Ruth Poirier
Posts: 13
Hi Mindy,

I partnered with an offsite facility-Assisted Living and Independent Living Community. They have provided us with 3 internship opportunities, Dining/Food Service, Laundry and Housekeeping, and Resident Engagement.
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99
Hello Mindy
Yes, from a Project SEARCH standpoint it is ok to do a third rotation off site. In terms of offsite internships, they can be a lot of work and require additional staffing and transportation. The internship should have a high potential of leading to paid employment. Project SEARCH understands at this time it might be a great alternative.
Here are some important questions for Steering Committees to address when considering an externship/ third rotation offsite:
· Need: Do they really need the externship? Project SEARCH would only recommend looking at this option if they either need it to learn a very specific skillset needed for a job and/or if they had a very strong potential of being hired by that business.
· Staffing: Is there enough staffing for an externship? This can be tricky because a staff still must go to the externship site for skills training and this can leave the main site short during these times. Is there a good understanding and plan of how much support they will need at the other site? What is the plan (including when they will visit, how they will connect, what to do if a problem arises, etc.)?
· Transportation: How will the intern get from the host business to the externship? How long is the commute, and will this eat into their time available to learn skills? How will they get home? Will additional travel training be needed?
· Liability: How will they be covered at the externship? Are other liability forms needed so that this site is included?
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Does this only apply to trainees who have not yet gotten the job? What if they get hired during their externship? Can a trainee get hired first and still do an externship in order to still participate in PS? I could not find any documents in the portal about this.

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