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Staying on task with Williams Syndrome 

Robin Watters
Robin Watters
Posts: 1

Robin Watters
Robin Watters
Posts: 1
I was wondering if anyone else has experience supporting interns with Williams Syndrome we are finding it a challenge to keep him on task. He shows typical William Syndrome behaviors.
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Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Posts: 20

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Posts: 20
What is he focusing on instead of work? If it's interactions with people, that may lead you to a solution. If I have an intern who is distracted by interacting with others, I make interactions with others a primary task in the internship (reception; tray delivery, etc). That worked for one intern with Williams Syndrome. I had another, though, who was not on task and that was because his social anxiety had him avoiding interactions. We had to take a totally different approach to helping him in his internship.

Robin Watters wrote:
I was wondering if anyone else has experience supporting interns with Williams Syndrome we are finding it a challenge to keep him on task. He shows typical William Syndrome behaviors.
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