Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal
Host Site/SEARCH Combined Job Descriptions
Jasmine Steemken Posts: 4
Hi All!
I'm the skills trainer for a new program this year. I'm trying to create job descriptions that are department specific for our interns! We want to go over these job descriptions with the interns each rotation. The host site would like us to incorporate their job descriptions with Project SEARCH expectations. Does anybody have something like this? I would just like to see an example as I'm a bit stuck on how to get started.
Colette Duprex Posts: 1
I dont! but sounds interesting. I believe you can add a job and description into the VOC FIT. . Forgive me if I am incorrect, as I am also a new trainer as of this year. Good Luck!
Holly Opatick Posts: 99
Hello the following is located in the Project SEARCH Toolkit, essential documents. RG.I.Internship_JobAnalysis.V_12.16.20.docx