HomeGuiding Intern Conduct

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Suggestions to help an intern focus. 


Hi everyone!

We have an intern who works well when the skills trainer is with him, but as soon as the skills trainer steps away he immediately stops working, and stands around "people watching", talking to anyone who passes by, or stares off into the distance. We have had multiple conversations about staying focused and on task, not talking to strangers, moving to a different area when it gets overwhelming. We have tried checklists to keep him on task, showed him videos of what it looks like when he is not focused to try to get through to him but nothing seems to be working. We are at the point where we are worried we may have to pull him from his placement. Is there any suggestions, tips or tricks that we may not have thought of yet? He is an intelligent young man who is aware that he is off task because as soon as he sees us he starts working again.

Thanks in advance!
edited by ctrevors@projectsearchpei.com on 4/7/2022
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Jourdan Spencer
Jourdan Spencer
Posts: 30

Jourdan Spencer
Jourdan Spencer
Posts: 30
We have a very similar situation. We have tried setting alarms on his watch with "Keep Working" as a reminder. Not totally effective but definitely redirects him. I am interested in what others suggest.
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Erin Fogarty
Erin Fogarty
Posts: 18

Erin Fogarty
Erin Fogarty
Posts: 18
I had an intern in the past with a very similar situation, however this intern had an ADHD diagnosis that was not being managed by the student or parent, which we feel was a big piece of the puzzle. In that situation after trying many interventions, we had several meetings with the intern and parents and team to discuss a more individualized training program through our voc rehab as well as looking into a supported employment setting to build skills as the intern would not have been ready after a year to work independently in a competitive job environment. The intern had a desire to work but after 2 rotations that didn't go very well we needed to switch gears.
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Update: Today we placed brightly colored tape along the areas where our intern needs to clean. As he reaches each taped area, he pulls the tape off so he knows that area is done. It breaks down the task for him and keeps his focus on the work at hand. So far so good! We are hoping that this will be the first stepping stone for him.
edited by ctrevors@projectsearchpei.com on 4/8/2022
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Beth Edwards
Beth Edwards
Posts: 24

Beth Edwards
Beth Edwards
Posts: 24
great idea with tape focusing the task
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