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Blind/Low Vision Intern 


Good afternoon, everyone

Does anyone have experience with a legally blind intern, specifically with the host site being a hospital? I would love to bounce some ideas and hear some strategies and what departments/jobs seemed to work best. Also, if anyone has any resources that they have used I would love to check them out!
Our intern is capable of being independent, but the needs/staffing of the departments change so quickly that it seems like the intern does not have time to master a skill or job before it changes. Our intern is currently in Dietary & Nutrition. He really needs 1:1 skills training/mentoring for most of the day until he gets into his own routine, but this is not feasible, or the objective of the program.

He does have an iPhone and iPad, but it's not always practical to use them.

Feel free to contact me anytime:

Thanks in advance!
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No, as a Skill trainer, I do not have experience assisting blind intern(s).
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Hi Elin!

We have two interns this year who are legally blind. One has a guide dog. We are located in a hospital and had to lay a lot of ground work before they started. Feel free to email me at tbradley@parents-alliance.org if you want to connect!
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Debbie Mendenhall
Debbie Mendenhall
Posts: 1

We have had one intern that was legally blind. One of his rotations was to stock shelves in the linen room. He had a great memory. So we just showed him the linen, he could feel the difference and just memorized by feel. The only linen that was a problem was the gowns and scrubs because material was the same just a different color. We also had brail charts made up and he was able to stock the linen carts. In Food Service he was able to role silverware in napkins, count items and bag them for the floors. (example 50 sugar packs to a baggie and tape shut). We are located in a hospital also. Feel free to email me at pam.king@usd305.com
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Teresa Moberg
Teresa Moberg
Posts: 2

Teresa Moberg
Teresa Moberg
Posts: 2
I had an intern that was legally blind. He now is working at the library cleaning, vacuuming and taking out the garbage.
If you would like to email me feel free. teresa.moberg@north-scott.k12.ia.us
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