Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal
Intern Employment Status Data Entry
Beth Sherry Posts: 5
Hi all! In your program, who is responsible for entering internship/employment status data for your interns?
I could see it making sense for the instructor to enter the internship data since that occurs daily at the host business. But I am wondering whether it would make more sense for the Skills Trainer/Job Placement Specialist who are providing follow-along services to enter employment info. Thoughts?
How are yall doing this in your program? Thanks yall!
Holly Opatick Posts: 99
Hello Beth
The IDEC should be someone who is familiar with the Interns and is on the onsite team (an Instructor or Skills Trainer). The GDEC should be someone who maintains contact with program graduates such as a follow-along job coach or VR Counselor. Please remember that for both roles there should be a primary and back-up data entry coordinator. Also, remember that the IDEC enters data during the program and up until the data outcomes are due 9 months after graduation.
Meaghan Jones Posts: 20
We run our data entry as Holly has stated, but I often follow up with grads who have maybe fallen off of other people's radars. I sometimes can reach them even if they have moved and or graduated out of follow along support - which some of our grads do.
Meaghan Project SEARCH HSC Winnipeg
Beth Sherry Posts: 5
Thanks yall! This is super helpful! Have a wonderful day!!