HomeUnit 8: Preparing for Employment

Professional resume, interview skills, and job search to gain employment.

Certificates on Applications 

Katie Gran
Katie Gran
Posts: 2

Katie Gran
Katie Gran
Posts: 2
Hello there!
I was wondering if I could get opinions on how folks put an HS certificate of completion/alternative diploma on job applications when asked if the applicant graduated with an HS diploma. I know what I tell folks but was hoping I could see how others address this question. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11
For our programs, if the intern has completed all requirements to receive a diploma (which they should have entering PS), we denote that they have received their HS diploma. If a job goes through, we issue them their diploma, so they have if needed.
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