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Adjusted Onboarding/ Orientation for hospitals 

Paige Henderson
Paige Henderson
Posts: 1

Paige Henderson
Paige Henderson
Posts: 1
I was wondering if anyone based at hospital setting had adjusted/ adapted notes for the onboarding/ orientation pricess that our interns have to go through. I start adjusting and then get overwhlemed with the amount of information and end up keeping it all - which kind of defeats the purpose of simplifying it.
Do any of you have something like this that you would be willing to share? I would be very grateful.
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Grace Muirhead
Grace Muirhead
Posts: 1

Grace Muirhead
Grace Muirhead
Posts: 1
Luckily, our hospital accommodates our interns by having a separate orientation than everyone else. The trainers are the same, but they slim down the information for us. Instead of an all day training, it was only 2.5 hours. Of course, with the legal/HIPPA portion, that has to be done the same as any employee, but we talk about it extensively when we get back into the classroom.

You may talk to the folks who present the orientation and see if they would be willing to do the same!
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