Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal
Transition Week
Sam Bennett Posts: 4
We are a brand new site and I was wondering what others were doing during the transition week, aside from conducting interviews. Thanks!
Karen Lockerman Posts: 3
We are going to go on a field trip. Our students chose to skip tailgate day at the school so they could work so we are going to practice our transportation skills, social skills, and money skills on a field trip one day at least.
We go to different businesses that could have potential job opportunities in the future. We are touring a nursing home, hotel, and local college. Our group is also going to check out our local agency that provides job coaching and community support when they are adults. There a person is going to present about different living options with varied levels of support. We are also going to the local library to check out what they have to offer. If there are any other Project Search sites in your area you could get together with them for some social/networking. We are also going on a scavenger hunt in a grocery store. They will have a list of items to find and check off. Interns can bring in their own shopping list and money from home if they want too. Have fun!
Jaime Westerfield Posts: 6
We went to a career fair and in Dec we are having our office party
Lindsey Sidera Posts: 29
We have visited a local grocery store, got a tour, and learned how to prepare a healthy meal.
We also visited the capital!