HomeImplementing Project SEARCH

Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal

Disability Awareness 

Sam  Bennett
Sam Bennett
Posts: 4

Sam  Bennett
Sam Bennett
Posts: 4
We are a new site and many of the staff here have never knowingly worked with someone with a disability. Therefore, we are trying to do various things in order to increase everyone's understanding and hopefully make everyone feel more comfortable interacting with our interns. We were going to put out general information about different disabilities in the break rooms and do a couple of lunch and learns on various topics. I was wondering what other sites were doing or if anyone had information they've found to be helpful. Thanks!
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Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22

Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22
I love that you are making this a priority. You may want to ask to speak to your marketing department and offer to do an educational article on Disability Awareness. Do the interns eat with their departments?

I attached a link to Office of Disability Employment Policy https://www.dol.gov/odep/

Here is the link to information about National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

I hope this is helpful.
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Hi Sam,
Have you used this website: https://askjan.org/a-to-z.cfm. The Job Accommodation Network? There is a list of all types of disabilities and effective ways to accommodate an individual at work.
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Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40

Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40
Hi Sam,
Thanks for putting this out here to get ideas from other teams smile I see ODEP, DOL, and JAN mentioned above- all great resources! You may have already done this, but also wondering if it would be helpful for your team to connect to the DOW Project SEARCH site in Midland MI? Perhaps a call to share learnings from both sites on this topic would be helpful. Would be great if you could incorporate learnings into current trainings for new hires and existing employees. Please reach out if I can assist in this!
Thanks for all you are doing!
edited by Heather.Morath@cchmc.org on 3/16/2020
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I was just looking over the responses, thank you for the links. Great Information.
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