HomeBuilding Skills through Internships

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Visual Schedule Apps 

Kaitlyn Jackson
Kaitlyn Jackson
Posts: 2

Kaitlyn Jackson
Kaitlyn Jackson
Posts: 2
Hi! I am looking for apps that interns can download on an iPad that can be used to build visual schedules. I've included 3 that my team has found below, but wondering if anyone has had success with other apps? (The three that we've found do have costs associated with them). Thanks!!

Visual Schedule Planner (from Good Karma applications): https://www.goodkarmaapplications.com/visual-schedule-planner1.html
AutiPlan (not sure how costly this is): https://autiplan.com/
RoutineFactory: https://routinefactory.com/structure-and-self-reliant-with-an-app
+1 link
Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11
We've had great success with Wunderlist and KidsToDo List. Both free.
+1 link