HomeProgram operations during COVID-19

How programs are responding to school and business closures

Please catch up on intern data while you are home! 

Susie Rutkowski
Susie Rutkowski
Posts: 25

Susie Rutkowski
Susie Rutkowski
Posts: 25
Hello Instructors and Skills Trainers and other team members: Please take this time to catch up on intern data and add detail about their internships and employment outcomes while you are home.
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Karen Mann
Karen Mann
Posts: 3

Karen Mann
Karen Mann
Posts: 3
We have just come off of Spring Break and our Skills Trainers and I are attempting to work with our Students through Google Duo and Google Hangouts Meet. There have been some security issues with Zoom lately, so we're steering clear of that for now. Our Selection Committee met in February and VR has been able to approve 6 of 9 applicants for the 2020-21 school year. Letters of Notification were mailed yesterday. We are holding ACRs starting next Friday for the incoming PS Interns.
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I missed the deadline for reporting for 18-19. Have tried to open up to complete but when I click manage interns it appears to be locked. What can I do?
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Maryellen Daston
Maryellen Daston
Posts: 12

Maryellen Daston
Maryellen Daston
Posts: 12
Hi Connie! Because the deadline has passed, the 2018-19 cohort of interns are now considered "Graduates." We have suspended the deadline, so the records are still editable, but you need to have the Graduate Data Entry Coordinator role to add or edit information. Your Program Site Database Coordinator can assign you that role.

Maryellen Daston
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