HomeWays to engage interns during COVID-19

Engaging interns during disruptions to program operations

Employment during COVID-19 

Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22

Cindy Burns
Cindy Burns
Posts: 22
Do you have any success stories of interns that have become employed during this time? If so please share your ideas.
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Kenneth Fetke
Kenneth Fetke
Posts: 6

Kenneth Fetke
Kenneth Fetke
Posts: 6
Yes. We did have one of our interns hired at the hospital our site is located in. He is working in the Nutritional Services. We had another intern apply for a position as a nurse's aide but has not heard back yet.
About the only positions available at this time in our area are working at grocery stores or in healthcare.
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Kerry Marlatt
Kerry Marlatt
Posts: 2

Kerry Marlatt
Kerry Marlatt
Posts: 2
Yes, we had one intern hired into the EVS department, full time, literally right before the closure. So, he went through the bulk of the hiring process, orientation, and training without Project SEARCH intervention or assistance. He is happily working at this time. Unfortunately, another intern did apply after our closure but has not heard anything back as yet. I believe part of this is that the supervisor with whom I had direct contact, is on a leave thus not working at this time.
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Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Posts: 6

Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Posts: 6
Yes! We've had four hired at our hospital. 1 was in Nutrition Services and 3 in Environmental Services. The three in ES, my business liaison had me call interns asking who was interested in NS or ES and recruiters were calling them without applying yet. They were sent links to apply. I offered families support and touched base with them through hiring process. I am trying to check in with them and their managers to make sure they are off to a good start.
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Faye Culpepper
Faye Culpepper
Posts: 1

Faye Culpepper
Faye Culpepper
Posts: 1
Yes! We have one intern that was hired in Sterile Processing right before COVID-19. She has continued to work during this pandemic and doing great. We checked with her supervisor frequently.
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