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Apps to Support Mental Health 

Carmel McKeogh
Carmel McKeogh
Posts: 4

Carmel McKeogh
Carmel McKeogh
Posts: 4
The NHS have an App library with some very useful apps for people to use. https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/
Here is a sample of some of them:

Catch It: An App to make sense of your moods, includes a mood diary to help understand negative thoughts and look at changing and managing them.
Chill Panda: an interactive app that supports good breathing techniques. Also has a fun game element.
Ieso: is an online course using instant messaging for people with mental health problems. The confidential service puts you in touch with a therapist trained in cognitive behavioural therapy.
SilverCloud: is an online course to help you manage stress, anxiety and depression. he eight-week course is designed to be completed in your own time and at your own pace.
The WorryTree: app aims to help you take control of worry wherever you are. It uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques to help you notice and challenge your worries.
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Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40

Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40
Headspace is a great app as well smile https://www.headspace.com/ They have tools to help with movement, healthy living, stress, anxiety, sleep, meditation, etc. Here is the info on their free resources: https://www.headspace.com/covid-19
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Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40

Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40
Hi All!

Here's another great resource for "COVID Anxiety" developed to support young people (over age 13) that are dealing with COVID related anxiety during the pandemic. This app was developed between the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Psychiatry Department, the University of Cincinnati, and WYSA. WYSA is a firm from the UK with a long history of web based therapy and use of artificial intelligence.

Here is a link to download the app:
(They will need to choose a nickname as all conversations are anonymous. Then they will need to click on the Covid Anxiety card on their feed and choose the tool that may be helpful to them at the moment.)

Here is a link to a press release that also provides more background info:

edited by Heather.Morath@cchmc.org on 8/17/2020
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