Onboarding for Internship in Skilled Nursing Homes
Rachelle Isaacson
Looking at developing an internship in the attached Skilled Nursing Home Facility to the hospital our Project SEARCH program is located within. My questions is how other Project SEARCH sites have handled the onboarding education to meet regulatory requirements for this type of internship? Our program is located in Minnesota. There is approximately 7 hours of modules for vulnernable adults, abuse prevention and dementia that a standard new employee would complete. Do other Project SEARCH sites do exactly what the standard employee would do for a Project SEARCH internship at the nursing home or have you created a separate training requirement for a Project SEARCH intern that mirrors the standard training? |
Onboarding for Internship in Skilled Nursing Homes
Rachelle Isaacson
Paula Mason wrote:
I am at a hospital in Canada. We completed the on-boarding as a group. I shared the material to an overhead projector and we worked through each module together. We re-did the ones that were a bit harder. edited by masonp@adsb.on.ca on 11/21/2023 |
Onboarding for Internship in Skilled Nursing Homes
Rachelle Isaacson
Thank you for his feedback. Currently, the skilled nursing home on-boarding is within a education software program with quizzes at the end of each module assigned. Maybe I could request a PDF of the modules/quizzes needed in order to do the training in-person which works best with many of my interns. Appreciate your response! |
Rachelle Isaacson
Is there a Minnesota Project SEARCH Instructor that would like to connect for a few questions. We're are just completing our first program year here at Project SEARCH Essentia Health St. Mary's Detroit Lakes, MN. I would love to set up a google meet for thirty minutes to talk through some discussion points with another Instructor. Let me know if you are willing to connect. Thanks! |