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Adaptations and Accommodations
Arden Winter
Dennis this is great! This is the first document I've seen in the portal with visual examples. I have taught SPED for 15 years and accommodations, for all learning styles and differences is something that I have always created, and I firmly believe that taking the time to develop and implement appropriate, individualized accommodations can be a game changer. Teaching the value and necessity of these tools is not something that I witness being provided very often. You have to learn how to think that way and most of the time you may find mention of the usual basic level accommodations and that's about as far as the implementation goes. Most training materials really don't provide. the hands on, visual examples like this. I always think that in order for the implementor/creator to fully understand the value and possibilities. we need to be taught in a very collaborative and creative way. I would love to see anything else you might have! |