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Parents/ their roles supporting interns after PS

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
Hi all!
We have experienced several challenges with parents and the interns after they transition into the workforce. It's understandable that parents are advocates but we are having challenges with parents understanding boundaries with employers and allowing their children (the interns) to advocate for themselves. We have experienced the following:
  • Parents/Guardians (P/G') setting up meetings with work managers and giving them strategies to work with the interns in spite of the fact that we have job coaches and agencies fulfilling this need
  • P/G's calling managers saying their son/daughter is late, sick and doesn't want to come to work even though the son/daughter is capable of doing this themselves
  • P/G's asking for info on their son/daughter from the manager even though they do not have guardianship
  • P/G's going to work sites, watching their son/daughter and then discussing with the manager their perspectives of the setting.
  • The list goes on but I think you all get the idea

We were thinking about creating a flow chart to share with parents. This chart would direct them to appropriate interactions and what the P/G's roles are after Project SEARCH completion. It seems like we spend so much time preparing the interns and we also need to start preparing the parents. Any feedback, information or articles you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Jo Ann
Anaheim conference/my flash drive crashed

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
Hi all, I attended the PF conference in Anaheim. My flash drive crashed and I really need some info specifically from the flash drive subject # 57 (Google Products to Enhance PS). There was some great material from Annette Doherty in Lincolnshire. In her presentation on what I believe was slide 35, she had links for google applications from teachers, student, parent. I would be most grateful if somebody could either get me contact info for the Lincolnhire PS, Annette, the google docs or anything they have. Also, does anybody know if I could get a replacement drive since my doesn't work any more? Thank and my Email is

Jo Ann
Anaheim conference/my flash drive crashed

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst wrote:
Hi all, I attended the PF conference in Anaheim. My flash drive crashed and I really need some info specifically from the flash drive subject # 57 (Google Products to Enhance PS). There was some great material from Annette Doherty in Lincolnshire. In her presentation on what I believe was slide 35, she had links for google applications from teachers, student, parent. I would be most grateful if somebody could either get me contact info for the Lincolnhire PS, Annette, the google docs or anything they have. Also, does anybody know if I could get a replacement drive since my doesn't work any more? Thank and my Email is

Jo Ann
Anaheim conference/my flash drive crashed

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
Well believe it or not I was able to find somebody with a working flash drive! I think my tragedy has been avoided! Thanks everybody.... Jo Ann
Voc Rehab

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
I was wondering if other states have their VR agencies working only remote or if they have come back to work in person with the interns and their families. Thanks!
Voc Rehab

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
Thank you!
Voc Rehab

JoAnn Hurst
JoAnn Hurst
Thank you and this is good info to consider!