COVID-19-Ways to Engage Interns
Kenneth Fetke
Hello Everyone: My name is Ken Fetke and I am the instructor for Spectrum Health Lakeland in St. Joseph Michigan. This is our 4th year of Project SEARCH. I was wondering what other programs are doing if your site is temporarily closed. For our interns I set up Google Classroom on their Chromebooks and let them take their Chromebooks home with them. We are all able to stay in touch with each other through Google Classroom. We are also able to hold class each day. Interns has been working on their resumes, job interviewing skills, social distancing, employ-ability skills, etc. Tomorrow we are going to hold our EPM meetings on google meet with the entire team being able to participate. Thanks: Ken Stay Safe |
Employment during COVID-19
Kenneth Fetke
Yes. We did have one of our interns hired at the hospital our site is located in. He is working in the Nutritional Services. We had another intern apply for a position as a nurse's aide but has not heard back yet. About the only positions available at this time in our area are working at grocery stores or in healthcare. |
Employment Planning Meetings
Kenneth Fetke
We will be holding our first EPM this school year on 10-21-2020. We are using Google Meet, we are having the meetings every half hour, each intern will leave their job site and return to classroom 5 minutes before the meeting. Parents and outside agencies will attend meetings virtually. I sent Chromebooks for the parents that do not have device to attend virtually. I think everything will go fine. We are also going to holding a Virtual Mock Job Fair on October 29th. Students from all over the county are going to attend. This is something new and I think will be very successful. |
Employment Planning Meetings
Kenneth Fetke
Hello everyone Just wondering if anyone is working virtual currently and what your online classroom looks like? I am in the State of Michigan and there is a chance we will going virtual shortly if Covid numbers keep going up. We are currently working in our host site. Thanks: Ken |
Project SEARCH Remote Instruction
Kenneth Fetke
Hello Friends I was wondering if any programs are virtual or going to be virtual shortly? Our program is located in Michigan and we currently are not virtual but I can foresee our school district returning to virtual learning before long. Covid 19 cases are rising in the state at an alarming rate. We currently are in the classroom 1.5 hours a day. If we go to virtual I will have to fill-up around 6 hours a day. I will use Google Classroom for instruction and can teach the same curriculum and lessons in the virtual classroom as I would the regular classroom. I will struggle filling up 6 hours a day with instruction especially since we do not focus on academics. Just wondering what other programs are teaching in the classroom? Thanks: Ken |
Project SEARCH Remote Instruction
Kenneth Fetke
Thanks for everyone's input. We will be going virtual in a few days. We are going to continue to use Google Classroom and try to fill up the day with activities and keep the interns engage. I plan on starting the day with CNN10 and talk about today’s news and what is going on with each intern’s life. Then we will complete a lesson from Step4Success Program (MSU EPASS/ASSET) in the morning and complete all the activities with each lesson. We will then break for lunch and then in the after lunch we are going to complete a lesson in Health Matters Curriculum, Life Centered Education, and maybe some work-related videos. Hopefully we will be able to keep the interns engaged. We are going to be shut down till the first week of December for sure, but I would not be surprised to be shut down until after the first of the year. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday! Thanks: Ken |