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Guest Speakers and Community Outings

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
I know this elicited mixed feelings in the session I was in, but I feel that it is important to have a women’s sexual health educator come in and talk to female students.

Women with intellectual disabilities often have poor sexual health/understanding of sexual health. I’m not talking about ‘sex’ necessarily, though I think that’s also important. Many of my female students really had never had anyone to talk to about their menstrual cycles to understand why they have them, what’s normal, and how a period connects to pregnancy. Most do not know what a pelvic exam or Pap test is, even though at 21 they will be the age to have one. The women in my program opened up and felt like they were allowed to ask questions about their bodies they typically were too embarrassed or shamed out of asking. They learned they could be referred to female gynecologists or visit a women’s clinic and don’t need to be examined by their male family doctors, for example!

My plan is to organize a ‘Pap Party’ for grads who still have yet to go and will benefit from going to a supportive women’s health Centre.

Not for every program, I imagine, but it’s something I think can easily be on a Program’s radar if they’re in a hospital.
Hand Hygiene

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
I have an intern who is refusing to do hand hygiene and he is communicating a fear of hand sanitizer and soap... none of which was communicated to us prior to his participation in the program. The most we have been able to do is get him to put the sanitizer on his hands, but he tries to hide it away and tosses it.

I communicated to the family last week that we need reinforcing about how important this is, but it's Monday and on our Orientation Tour (after a lengthy class chat about hand hygiene and the importance of it yet again) he would not properly clean his hands.

Has anyone had this happen before; if so, what steps did you take. I haven't ever had such a resistant student before.
Hand Hygiene

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Hi Erin. We are trying a few things: I’ve postponed his start date for now and shown him his current marks for hygiene. He knows now that he will need to wash his hands to stay in the program, and is reluctantly participating. I’ve also asked his family to purchase hand sanitizer of his choosing. Now it’s just a matter of assessing whether he complies. Gloves is a good option... I’ll have to consider that.

We are giving him 4 weeks to assess if he can comply. I have one placement I can put him in where the stakes are not high if he isn’t complying and we can enlist staff support. Then we would transition him directly to adult services when he turns 21 in February. He really doesn’t want to go back to school, and I don’t think that’d be right for him.
Hand Hygiene

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Hi Erin. We are trying a few things: I’ve postponed his start date for now and shown him his current marks for hygiene. He knows now that he will need to wash his hands to stay in the program, and is reluctantly participating. I’ve also asked his family to purchase hand sanitizer of his choosing. Now it’s just a matter of assessing whether he complies. Gloves is a good option... I’ll have to consider that.

We are giving him 4 weeks to assess if he can comply. I have one placement I can put him in where the stakes are not high if he isn’t complying and we can enlist staff support. Then we would transition him directly to adult services when he turns 21 in February. He really doesn’t want to go back to school, and I don’t think that’d be right for him.

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Hi there everyone,

We have an applicant this year who has a heart condition. Her attendance records from school show roughly 25% absenteeism year after year. While this is typically tied to "health concerns" there are some indications that there may also be a lack of work ethic as well. She doesn't push herself to come in if she doesn't feel like it.
I'd like to give her a shot at Project SEARCH, but I think it's important to come in with a clear understanding of what we will and won't accommodate. I'm wondering... how have other programs accommodated around 'health concerns'? When does absenteeism for health concerns step beyond what is a reasonable accommodation?

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
How is your program preparing to respond if things get bad in your community? Will your program follow school division protocol or business protocol?
Online learning resources

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
Hey! What level do you use with your students for Banzai? I hate when programs organize by ages and not ability, since many of my interns will notice the age bit right away. Is the 13-18 and 16+ curriculum doable for most interns?

Vicki Yoshihara wrote:
Kara Tallman wrote:

My interns have really enjoyed using the following two resources during virtual learning!

Banzai- https://teachbanzai.com/

Banzai is an award-winning financial literacy curriculum. It teaches you about personal finance and financial literacy and its FUN! The printed and online interactive materials allow you to learn how to manage money in real-life scenarios using up to date financial products. The website is interactive and will guide you through each lesson.

The Edge- https://getyouredge.org/

The Edge provides 30-minute training modules on work readiness skills that can be completed on a phone or computer. Once a module is completed, interns will receive a certification to show completion.
Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
This was very helpful. Just wrapped up using this template to organize thoughts for contingency plans and was able to then create an official proposal for our hospital that demonstrates we 1) have options, and 2) understand and can work within all new hospital policies.
Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
In Phase 1 and Phase 2 measures, programs and individuals within our hospital that are not essential are required to be off-site 70% or more of the time. Since space is at a premium right now to allow for hospital staff to meet and physically distance, we knew we would have to find a way forward that meets this challenging criteria. Our classroom cannot safely fit more than 3 interns + 1 staff once all measured out.

We will hold class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will have remote AND small in-person learning for half days; interns will work towards independent living skills goals in the afternoons and our team will complete administrative tasks. Thankfully and by fluke the majority of our interns next year have access to technology and internet and also have the skills to complete remote learning via Google Classroom and Video Conferencing. We can provide 1:1 and small group remote support the same way we have been the last few months.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be longer internship days and we will likely flex the start times to maximize peak work flow. We have permission to book larger spaces for occasional, whole class instruction and team building.

There are a lot of drawbacks to this scenario, but we must adapt. :`(
Electronic Banking Program

Meaghan Jones
Meaghan Jones
I have used a variety of Next Gen financial resources this year. They are Google Classroom/drive compatible. It was really helpful to walk students through the electronic banking simulator, for instance. Activities need to be adapted for students depending on their ability to follow written instructions, but this year I had a few students with higher literacy and numeracy and this was a great way to keep them learning and engaged, even with remote instruction. The other worked through activities in small groups with me or a skills trainer.