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Calling/asking for more when task list is complete

Natasha Herum
Natasha Herum

I have an intern who does not call/ask for more tasks when he is finished with his task list. We often find him laying on a counter or walking around when there is about 30 minutes left of his shift before lunch. He is also much more of a quantifiable task guy- he will fold all of the towels but does not often do his dry mopping or sanitizing because he thinks it "looks pretty good". Any suggestions on how to get interns to a) ask for more work when their tasks are completed and/or b) finish all tasks on list, even when we can't "see" that they need to be done?

Thank you!
Calling/asking for more when task list is complete

Natasha Herum
Natasha Herum
Thank you for those ideas! I will definitely try that, but rotations are difficult to do that with because they have different amounts of work available each day. Sometimes there are enough towels to fold for hours, whereas other days there are no towels to fold at all. Same goes with our Materials department and stickering of products. Any ideas for that inconsistent schedule?
He knows that the expectation is to do those tasks daily, I think he just doesn't enjoy doing them. I will try a visual as a reminder though! Thanks again!!!
Online learning resources

Natasha Herum
Natasha Herum

I set up an Edmodo page (much like a Google Classroom page) so that I can send assignments and activities throughout this break. Yesterday the assignment that was due was to email their email mentor and bcc me on it. Only 3 of my 8 interns did this. Any ideas on how to hold interns accountable for this outside work? Especially if they don't think they are coming back to Project SEARCH this year?

Thanks in advance!
