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Online Applications

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Hi all,

We incorporate mock online job applications to prepare our interns for actually filling them out in the future. One of our programs is having issues with the firewall not letting them advance some of the pages. The only one that seems to work within that building is the Minnesota State Careerwise online application. Can you all list sites that you use so the instructor can see if she's able to use alternative sites to the one she already uses?
Internships for Interns with Limited Vision

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Hi all,

We have an intern at one of our PS sites that has very limited vision. Can any of you give me any tasks that you do with someone similar? At this site, we have a lot of office jobs, and that just does not suit him well. For his first rotation, he completed a housekeeping internship. We are struggling to figure out something for the next two rotations. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Visual Schedule Apps

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
We've had great success with Wunderlist and KidsToDo List. Both free.
Career Clusters

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Hi John,

I walked them through the actual interest assessment to see what cluster they fit into, and then we watched videos on each cluster. Here is a link to the videos we watched. Each is about 2-3 minutes long.

There's also this picture interest assessment to get their Holland code.

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
CVS has an externship program, and we've had a great partnership so far. I don't know how it works from state-to-state, but it's worth reaching out. They offer internships either in customer service/stocking (background check needed) or as pharmacy techs (will need background check & drug test). I will email you both with some information I have.

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
The CVS we utilize is near our host business, so we treat it just like another internship site. wrote:
Thanks Paul, I will do more research. How do you get the daily progress notes? Does a job coach need to go daily?
Intern moves after completing program

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
I input the job, as I am still providing services. Once we are no longer providing services, I mark them as Lost to Follow Up.

Ann Ellis wrote:
I have an Intern who completed the program last May, He had a job, then he moved and does not receive any services from us anymore. How do I input the data.
trial or probation period

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
6 weeks from the start of the program.
Certificates on Applications

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
For our programs, if the intern has completed all requirements to receive a diploma (which they should have entering PS), we denote that they have received their HS diploma. If a job goes through, we issue them their diploma, so they have if needed.
More Thorough Candidate Screening

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Hello all,

Does anyone do more thorough candidate screening when choosing interns? We have a Skills Assessment Day, but we've been running into issues with interns. We are seeing we aren't getting a true representation of candidates after only one day. This year, we had to return an intern to their sending school due to behavioral issues, and the sending school is giving us problems with accepting him back. I was wondering if any programs do things other than that one-day assessment day. Any guidance or ideas would be greatly appreciated. For added context, we are in Philadelphia (with one of the largest school districts in the nation, and we've been having around 20-30 candidates every year for 8 spots.
More Thorough Candidate Screening

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Susan Hetherington wrote:
Do you look over their IEP's before the skills day? Behavior issues or accommodations should be in the IEP.

I should have mentioned that as well. It has also been occurring more often that teachers are not adding issues into IEPs, which is incredibly unfortunate for the students themselves. We think it's because there would be more paperwork. The intern who was dismissed this year had zero mention of behavioral issues in his IEP.