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Patient Transport Task Ideas

Victoria Novorolsky
Victoria Novorolsky
Hello! We have an intern in the Patient Transport Department and the department is feeling overwhelmed with having the intern by their side all the time. Does any other PS sites have Patient Transport as an internship? What are some tasks your interns do that do not require them to be with the mentor the whole time?
Push back from host site

Victoria Novorolsky
Victoria Novorolsky
We are going into our third year of Project SEARCH and have gotten some push back from our host site when it comes to developing more internships. We take in 12 interns and we only have 11 internships. Our host business said that the internships we have are good enough and doesn't believe we can build any more internships. Has any other Project SEARCH site experience the same? Any thoughts on how us, the onsite team, can build more internships without the help from the host business?