Tracy Couture
There is a Manager/Mentor Guide in the Toolkit but maybe your looking for something more detailed?
Bonnie Seery wrote:
Thanks Holly! I'll look at these also. One of our newest sites is looking for guidance for mentors as they get started. All advice is appreciated. Are any of our videos best suited for mentors? |
Welcome New Teams!
Tracy Couture
Hello. I am an Instructor for a new site in London, Ontario. I have been attending all the trainings this month and am trying to process a lot of information at once and may have missed a detail about Employment Planning Meetings. It has been said to schedule them early on. Do I schedule one day to run the meeting for all interns? Or should they be staggered? Do they usually happen in the training room? |
E-Mail Lesson (Pen Pals)
Tracy Couture
Hi Lisa We are in London, Ontario, Canada and would love to try pen pals if you haven't already found a partner. Thanks, Tracy Lisa Hunter wrote:
Hi, I work in Halifax, UK and this sounds like a great idea. What kind of things do your interns email each other about? I will have 8 interns this year.
Lisa |
Project SEARCH shirts for Interns
Tracy Couture
In the Project SEARCH videos I see many interns with shirts with the project search logos. Where can I get these? I am in Ontario, Canada. |
Facebook Private Group
Tracy Couture
This forum is helpful but not easy to quickly scan for ideas, connections etc. Would starting a Facebook group be allowed for interested members? |
Consolidated files
Tracy Couture
I am finding it time consuming to look through and/or print all the individual files. I would love to just print out a unit as a whole. Is there a consolidated file available? |