HomeWays to engage interns during COVID-19

Engaging interns during disruptions to program operations


Katie Borne
Katie Borne
Posts: 1

Katie Borne
Katie Borne
Posts: 1
Hi All,

I hope this finds everyone safe and well. I am looking ahead to what next year may look like and what I can offer my interns if we do need to complete Project SEARCH through Distance Learning or some form of it. I wanted to look more into ServSafe, as I think it would be a good resource to review through the year, but I am wondering how other sites have used/interacted with ServSafe?
  • Have you purchased the book or online materials for ServSafe Food Handler?
  • Have students been certified as a ServSafe Food Handler?
  • Have Project SEARCH instructors become certified ServSafe instructors in order to teach the curriculum?

Any help you can give as I navigate what our outcome could be for next year. Right now as I see it, my two options could be the following:
1. After reviewing material, Interns take the assessment and obtain the certificate
2. Interns will review the curriculum material through book or online format

Thanks so much for your help!

PS: As I looked online through ServSafe, they are offering the ServSafe Food Handler course for free now through May 31st. If you register, it is good for 1 year and once you start the course, you have 60 days to complete it.
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Kyrsten Zimmerman
Kyrsten Zimmerman
Posts: 1

Hi Katie, our site is based at a university where Aramark is the contracted food service provider. The bulk of our rotations are in Aramark locations; as such, our interns receive Aramark safety training. In the past, we have done a modified ServSafe module. I review the booklet with the interns, and they take a brief quiz. They receive no certification, so it is really a matter of them becoming aware of safety guidelines -- i.e. the temperature Danger Zone, proper food storage, etc. We have never felt the need to pursue the full ServSafe certification, as that has been more of a thing for location managers?

So, I would just think about the time and financial commitment, and the value your interns will receive. Is the certification necessary in your location?
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