HomeLong-term Support

Eligibility and funding sources for long-term support

Guides on services & benefits (in plain language!) 

Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40

Heather Morath
Heather Morath
Posts: 40
Sharing a great resource I learned about in one of the Health Literacy groups I'm involved with.

https://www.exceptionallives.org/ is a small not-for-profit that creates (FREE) plain language resources for families of kids and young adults with disabilities.

For 2 states so far (Louisiana and Massachusetts), they have a searchable Resource Directory and easy-to-read Guides that walk parents through the processes of finding and applying for services and benefits to help their child/young adult. There is lots of transition info included!

Some of this info is applicable to more than just those states, and they do have great info on National SSI benefits as well!

Here's some more info about what they do from their website:

The Problem
Parents and caregivers of children who have special needs and children with disabilities are often unaware of the services and benefits available to help them and their children. They don’t know whether their child qualifies or how to apply — or where to go for information. Many resources are inaccessible – they are too wordy and complicated, and provide too much information to sift through. To solve this problem, we built technology to empower families.

How It Works
Exceptional Lives is a personalized disability information platform for families, caregivers, and professionals. We empower and support families by providing trustworthy, easy-to-follow information in plain language on how to access programs and services. We promote self-help by equipping users with tools to find resources and take action to help their children thrive.

As we create our resources, we get lots of feedback from parents and professionals to make sure that they are accurate, easy to understand, and meet the needs of families and caregivers. We hold focus groups with parents before and after creating materials, and we vet all resources through government officials from the relevant agencies. We revise everything on our site as needed to ensure it is up-to-date.

Here’s how our resources go beyond others to make sure you get information you can trust and the help you need--with less stress:

  • Plain language: we make government and legal jargon easy to read and understand.
  • Easy to find information: we organize the content so you can find the answers to your questions or learn about a whole process.
  • Action-oriented: we turn the hardest processes into manageable steps you can take today.
Resource Directory:
  • Each resource is checked by our team to make sure it is accurate. We never import existing resource lists.
  • We re-check the resource listings every 3 months.
  • Our software automatically checks for dead links every week so we can follow up and correct the listing.
Help when you need it:
  • Call, text, email or live chat if you need help!
  • If it's outside of business hours, we'll get back to you the next business day.

edited by Heather.Morath@cchmc.org on 6/10/2020
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