Recruitment events, graduation, celebrations, employment planning meetings, business advisory events, family involvement
Hello Everyone! This is my first year with PS and I was hoping to gain some insight how other sites conduct graduation/end of the year events. I know with COVID everything looks different, but I would love to get ideas about how it may have looked before and now.
Thank you!
Deb Baker-Moody Posts: 7
Hi Emily, We did a virtual completion ceremony last June and this year we are hoping to be able to do it in person. We invite someone from one of our partner agencies to speak along with someone from one of the internship departments as well as the CEO of the medical center. Interns prepare speeches talking about their experiences during the year and where they are looking for employment. We do a slide show for each intern showing their different internships (this runs while they are speaking). We conclude with a slide show with music from the year. Hope this helps...have fun! They have worked during a 100 year pandemic and there is much to celebrate!
Stephanie Brasley Posts: 6
Hi, Last year we did a Graduation Parade where the interns decorated the vehicles they were driving in and we were escorted around the hospital campus. Many of the staff came out with signs to congratulate the interns. This year I am struggle a bit more as although there are still restrictions in place there are also more people coming in and out of the hospital making the parade a little more difficult to pull off. I am hesitant about doing everything virtual, but it might be the way I have to go. I would love some ideas as to what other sites are doing this year.
Monica Gasca Posts: 1
| wrote:
Hello Everyone! This is my first year with PS and I was hoping to gain some insight how other sites conduct graduation/end of the year events. I know with COVID everything looks different, but I would love to get ideas about how it may have looked before and now.
Thank you!