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Tina Angeletti
Tina Angeletti
Posts: 5

Tina Angeletti
Tina Angeletti
Posts: 5
VocFit seems to be not working correctly for me....such as pulling up reports from 2019 with somebody else's name. I am now getting error pages when clicking on live links. I have used my home laptop and desktop at work.

Is there a contact person for web assistance?

Thank you!

Tina Angeletti
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Margo Greene
Margo Greene
Posts: 3

Margo Greene
Margo Greene
Posts: 3
FREE personal technical support for users of VocFit.com through Microsoft Teams (a videoconferencing platform).

*We are now transitioning from open office hours to scheduled personal consultations through Microsoft Bookings. Please see the below information on how to schedule an appointment for technical support. As always, you may email us at admin@vocfit.com for support.*

To Schedule an Appointment
Use the following link to schedule an appointment:
Select the VocFit tech support option
Choose a time slot and fill in the required fields (name and email)
You will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Microsoft Teams meeting

Contact Us
Email us at admin@vocfit.com with any questions or to arrange a personal consultation.
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Molly Michels
Molly Michels
Posts: 25

Molly Michels
Molly Michels
Posts: 25
Hi! We are going to have two VocFit Help Sessions next month. Please check the calendar for dates and time. Thanks!
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