HomeGuiding Intern Conduct

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Trouble answering direct questions/asking for help 



We have an intern at the moment who cannot answer direct questions and will not ask for help, when help is offered she will always say she is getting on fine. Any suggestions on how we can support her with this?
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99
The following message was posted by Holly Opatick, but answered by Project SEARCH co-founder Erin Riehle:
Is she getting on fine? Have we checked quality and productivity of the task. Measure those and then create accommodations accordingly – such as a timer, or a checklist or picture checklist.
edited by holly.opatick@cchmc.org on 12/29/2021
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99
The following message was posted by Holly Opatick, but answered by Project SEARCH co-founder Susie Rutkowski:
Totally agree with Erin. A few more thoughts:
  • Does the intern know her productivity and other goals
  • If so does she understand them?
  • Are they checking for understanding in other ways than questions (circling back to Erin’s comments)
  • Are they giving her wait time to come up with an answer?
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