HomeGuiding Intern Conduct

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Intern Contract 

Lisa Arbisi
Lisa Arbisi
Posts: 10

Lisa Arbisi
Lisa Arbisi
Posts: 10
Does Project SEARCH have an intern contract to help shape behaviors?
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

The following is the last page of the Project SEARCH Sample Application in the Toolkit. This page is often used on signing day.
As with most Project SEARCH documents, it is editable.

Project SEARCH Intern Agreement
You and your parent / guardian will need to sign this agreement if you are accepted into the program.
I, (insert name here), understand that if I am accepted into the Project SEARCH program.
● I will complete at least 3 unpaid internships at (Host Business)
● I will attend the program every day from 8:30 am- 3:00 pm (this is subject to change).
● I will follow the dress code and arrive looking clean and neat.
● I will contact my instructor and mentor when I am absent or tardy.
● I will make up any assignments I miss if I am absent.
● I will follow all the rules of (Host Business) and of the Project SEARCH program.
● I will attend all meetings with my counselor, parent / guardian, teacher, skills trainers, and business staff.
● I will participate in and discuss any issues at my meetings.
● I will actively look for a job that is 16 hours a week or more in an integrated setting.
● I understand that I must complete a background check, get a flu shot, and (add others).
I have read the statements above. I agree to these terms. I accept my placement in the Project SEARCH program. I understand that I may be asked to leave Project SEARCH if I do not follow these terms.
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