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trial or probation period 

Dabra Broome
Dabra Broome
Posts: 4

Dabra Broome
Dabra Broome
Posts: 4
Hi, does anyone have a letter or info on probation or trial period at beginning of the program? How long does this typically last? I have heard of this, but don't see anything on the portal. I believe it's the first month. Any input would be appreciated.
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Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11

Paul Barth
Paul Barth
Posts: 11
6 weeks from the start of the program.
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99
Hi Paul

The following statement appears on some Project SEARCH Applications
I, ________________________________________, understand that if I am accepted into Project SEARCH I will be subject to a 45 day trial period. Subsequently, my enrollment in the program may not meet my needs or the goals of the program and I may be required to leave Project SEARCH. My parents/guardians and I agree to this review.
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