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Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal

PS Neighboring District Contract/Agreement 

Michelle Sadewasser
Michelle Sadewasser
Posts: 2

Hi All,

We will be opening our program up to neighboring school districts next year. If you are a program that does this, can you please share your tips, tricks and recommendations? Is there any way you can share your contract/agreement with us as we begin drafting ours OR connecting me with someone from your district office that could help with this process?

Thank you in advance!
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Jourdan Spencer
Jourdan Spencer
Posts: 30

Jourdan Spencer
Jourdan Spencer
Posts: 30
We are a commission so we service all 21 districts within our county. You can contact Josh Bornstein, Director of Special Projects at jbornstein@ucesc.org
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Michelle Sadewasser
Michelle Sadewasser
Posts: 2

Thank you very much Jourdan! I will reach out to Josh. We really appreicate your help!
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