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Interview process 

Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3

Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3
Hello everybody!!!!

As we are ending our first internship, going into our transition week, we are trying to plan out how the interview process works? Also, how many should our interns be applying to?

Thank you in advance.
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Frank Bassillo
Frank Bassillo
Posts: 1

Frank Bassillo
Frank Bassillo
Posts: 1
We have the interns interview for at least 2 potential internships. It really depends on the student and how many departments are available.
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Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3

Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3
Thank you!! How does the interview process work? Should we have them separate days or should it be done like a speed interview?

Thank you for your response!
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Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99

Holly Opatick
Holly Opatick
Posts: 99
Managers and/or mentors are asked to complete a brief (around 20 minutes) interview before accepting the intern into the department. This provides practice for their future job interviews as well as an opportunity to determine if there is a good match between the intern and internship. There are examples of interview questions, in the Toolkit. Interns should interview in 3 different departments. This typically takes place before Transition Week so that new internships are identified and confirmed. The skills trainers and instructors work with the department managers to determine the best times for the interviews, 2 weeks before the end of the internships.
The Project SEARCH timeline and task list that your team completed with the Implementation Team outlines this process and timing for you, maybe ask someone for a copy of that timeline.
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Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3

Michael Putman
Michael Putman
Posts: 3
Thank you!!
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