Starting and operating a program; setting up the host business, onboarding interns, uniforms, funding, staff, audits and using the member portal
Sharing info & education about Project SEARCH
Heather Morath Posts: 40
What resources and tactics do you use to explain Project SEARCH to your community. What has been most effective? I'd love to hear stories from your site!
edited by on 3/17/2020
Erin Fogarty Posts: 18
Hi Heather,
In my school district something new that we implemented when we were moving on to our new site this year was holding an informational night for parents and students interested in Project SEARCH. We open it up to not only students who wish to join for the following year but also for students and parents who may be 2, 3 or even 4 years from starting Project SEARCH. We have found with our families the earlier you can let them know what programs are available to their students the more comfortable and supportive they are when the time comes for them to apply for the program.
Heather Morath Posts: 40
Erin- Great idea to start sharing info with families earlier and getting them connected to resources. Thanks for sharing