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Parent Controlling Client's Debit Card

Amanda Buncher
Amanda Buncher
Hi Devan,
Thank you for sharing this important question. Do you think the family/individual would be open to the potential of a STABLE account (or equivalent account in your state)? This could be a separate space where the individual saves money (without it affecting his benefits) where he could still have access to a debit card. Just a thought...
Would love to hear other ideas people may have!
Professional Development

Amanda Buncher
Amanda Buncher
CEC has several webinars coming up, if anyone took advantage of the free membership!

Mark your calendars for the first three webinars:

All webinars air live from 4-5 p.m. Eastern time.
COVID-19-Ways to Engage Interns

Amanda Buncher
Amanda Buncher
Hi everyone! There are some really great ideas on this thread!
I listened in on webinar through NTACT earlier this week and came out with a lot of great resources. I will share this here. The webinar can still be viewed on their website. Thanks!

Providing Transition-Focused Activities Online and At Home

NTACT staff and others shared tips and resources on this webinar on March 24 @ 11 AM (Eastern). Resources are posted below. We will add to these resources from information shared during the webinar today, a well as post the captioned recording. You may also participate in an online discussion and share resources. (Thanks, Transition Coalition!) If you attended the webinar, you will receive an Certificate of Attendance by email.

Watch the Webinar (external link)

Financial Literacy

Amanda Buncher
Amanda Buncher
Hi - just saw this thread and came across this webinar being held next Wednesday July 8 on an APPS for financial literacy - see information and registration link below...

PACER (MN's Parent Training and Information Center) Workshop
Appy Hour: Apps to Help Young Adults with Disabilities Learn About and Manage Their Money

Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This ‘Appy Hour’ will showcase apps that help to develop money skills to support independent living. Apps will address the essential skills of counting money, planning a budget, and tracking money spent.
Location: Online Web Streaming

Register for this workshop

Hope this is helpful!

Amanda smile