Project SEARCH Scotland!!
Clare Baird
Hi Kari - great idea, we don't use this function enough! Although we are back at site we have found the increase in covid numbers has meant our final rotations have been pulled. We are now looking to start some community based placements. Will let you all know how they get on - it could be another option for the time being before we can get back into normal rotations |
Multiple site internships
Clare Baird
We are going to be in the same situation with our next cohort - due to covid our current site has made a large amount of redundancies. Luckily for us their organisation has another site a 20 minute drive away. Our current plan is for a second job coach to be employed for the first few weeks of each rotation. Because of the way we are operating we are only going to be able to complete two job rotations this coming year (our programme starts in Feb), what was the first rotation will be shorter and in college / online leaving us two longer 12 week rotations out on site. |