Katie Borne
Hi All,
I hope this finds everyone safe and well. I am looking ahead to what next year may look like and what I can offer my interns if we do need to complete Project SEARCH through Distance Learning or some form of it. I wanted to look more into ServSafe, as I think it would be a good resource to review through the year, but I am wondering how other sites have used/interacted with ServSafe?
- Have you purchased the book or online materials for ServSafe Food Handler?
- Have students been certified as a ServSafe Food Handler?
- Have Project SEARCH instructors become certified ServSafe instructors in order to teach the curriculum?
Any help you can give as I navigate what our outcome could be for next year. Right now as I see it, my two options could be the following: 1. After reviewing material, Interns take the assessment and obtain the certificate 2. Interns will review the curriculum material through book or online format
Thanks so much for your help! Katie
PS: As I looked online through ServSafe, they are offering the ServSafe Food Handler course for free now through May 31st. If you register, it is good for 1 year and once you start the course, you have 60 days to complete it. |